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Fast & Furious Spy Racers





Kristin Smith

TV Series Review

New York is supposed to be the city that never sleeps. But according to the Toretto family, Los Angeles doesn’t sleep either. Not when there’s racing to be had.

The famous Dominic Toretto (whom you might be familiar with from the Fast and the Furious movies) began street racing years ago but he’s since retired from the fast lane. These days he spends his time imparting speedy wisdom to a younger generation, like his little cousin Tony and Tony’s eclectic group of friends.

Tony is the skilled racer of the pack, always willing to charge into a challenge head on. Then there’s Frostee Benson, a high-energy tech genius who eagerly hacks into any unguarded computer system. Margaret Pearl, better known as ‘Echo,’ specializes in giving cars unique makeovers. And Cisco Renaldo is a muscly, fun-loving mechanic who never backs down from a greasy motor mystery.

Together, this young group of four are more talented than they seem. Which is why a mysterious government organization, led by Ms. Nowhere, recruits them to infiltrate a shady, private corporation known as Shifter. The young team’s new mission? To move past the mediocre street racing they’ve so enjoyed into deeper waters where heists, explosions and undercover assignments are all part of a hard day’s work.

The Fast & the Furious Take 700

This TV-Y7 animated series taps into the elements that made the Fast and the Furious movies so popular, but it gives us a new set of characters to root for—and ones scaled down for a younger group of fans. And if you’ve seen any of the films, you’ll have a small of idea of what to expect.

Cars (albeit animated ones) still explode and racing stunts are as unbelievable as ever. And attitudes and G-rated trash talk can be a bit off-putting, especially when they’re coming from a bunch of teens. But the gratuitous content, violence and foul language have been kicked to the wayside. Instead, viewers are left with animated explosions, some light name calling and the occasional flirtatious comment.

But that’s nothing compared to the movies that inspired this series. In fact, the show’s animated version of Dominic Toretto, still voiced by Vin Diesel, tries to give Tony some words of wisdom, telling him that it’s what’s in your heart that really matters. But while Tony and the gang sometime pay attention to that little gem, they mostly lean toward breaking the rules in the name of speed.

Episode Reviews

Dec. 26, 2019: “Born a Toretto”

Tony and his friends (Echo, Cisco and Frostee) are recruited by a secret government organization to infiltrate a nefarious corporation known as Shifter.

Tony’s uncle, Dom, is kidnapped and Tony and his friends track down the assailants. Two evildoers perform a heist, hack into a computer system, beat up security guards, steal millions of dollars and hijack a very expensive car. Later, a group of teens hack into a computer system and lie about their identities. Cars and ships explode. A few men are injured (although we don’t see any blood) during a dangerous car chase. We hear one reference to the dark web.

Names like “fool” and “moron” are heard once each. A teen exclaims “oh my gosh.” Two teen boys joke about personal hygiene and provoke one another. A girl flirts with an interested crush.

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Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith joined the Plugged In team in 2017. Formerly a Spanish and English teacher, Kristin loves reading literature and eating authentic Mexican tacos. She and her husband, Eddy, love raising their children Judah and Selah. Kristin also has a deep affection for coffee, music, her dog (Cali) and cat (Aslan).

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