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Gangsta’s Paradise


Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

On “Smilin’,” the man responsible for fathering a child during a one-night stand takes responsibility for his actions. Coolio apologizes for referring to women as “b—hes and hos” on “For My Sistas,” however . . .

Objectionable Content

. . . It’s an empty repent when both disrespectful expressions show up elsewhere on the disc (“Is This Me?” and “Recoup This”). And the language gets worse. Frequent use of the f-word. Crude sexual slang. “Too Hot” promotes the safe-sex myth and rejects abstinence as impractical (“Kids ain’t checkin’ for absti-s–t/So put a condom in their hand”). Cheap sex is the rapper’s goal on “Cruisin'” and “Sumpin’.” “A Thing Goin’ On” listens in on two infidels sharing sex, “weed” and wine. Numerous cuts glorify gangsta violence, including “Recoup This,” a spoken piece in which an artist shoots his agent and secretary over money. 1995’s best-selling single, “Gangsta’s Paradise,” makes violent threats. “Revolution” supports the rioting in L.A. and boasts, “In my mutherf—in’ self I trust!”

Summary Advisory

Pointless trash exploiting urban decay. Lewd and irresponsible. Avoid it.

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Bob Waliszewski

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