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Unraveling — “Unblemished” Series


Readability Age Range



Year Published

Book Review

Unraveling by Sara Ella has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. It is the second book in the “Unblemished” series.

Plot Summary

In Unblemished, Eliyana (El) discovers the world is made up of seven realms called Reflections. Invisible entities of light (the Verity) and darkness (the Void) battle for control. The Verity provides many people with special Callings, including abilities to shape shift, control elements in nature or heal people. The Void haunts and threatens the world, desiring to render everyone soulless.

The Verity and Void must each have a human host, or vessel. When El becomes the Verity’s vessel, the Void enters the two young men between which she can’t seem to choose. Joshua was her guardian in New York for three years, and she has loved him for some time. She has only known Ky for a short while, but he has repeatedly proven his loyalty and love. The first book ends with Joshua asking El to marry him. Ky leaves for another realm to find his missing sister, Khloe. He vows he isn’t giving up on his relationship with El.

Unraveling begins with El’s coronation as queen of the Reflections. Joshua is planning their marriage. But unsettling events are taking place in the kingdom. The Void seems to be gaining strength, and the Callings are gradually ceasing to function properly.

The Thresholds, which allow passage between the realms, are draining to dangerous levels. If the Thresholds’ energy is cut off and the water drains, it could create a wormhole. El ponders all of these things, including marrying Joshua. Their relationship feels strained. She has begun to hear Ky’s voice in her head and reading her thoughts.

El decides she has to find Ky, and she slips away from the protective guards Joshua has posted. Her half-sister, Ebony, joins her, and the two bond despite past animosity. When Joshua discovers El is gone, he realizes he must take desperate measures to ensure she remains his.

Along the way, he discovers he and Ky are fraternal twins. El and Ebony find Ky commanding a pirate ship in another Reflection. They join him on a circuitous voyage to discover what is causing the kingdom’s problems and to destroy the Void for good. While Ky is able to keep the Void from overtaking him, the evil in Joshua grows increasingly stronger.

Joshua struggles, as he finds himself lying, stealing and even killing in his quest to possess El. He goes to great lengths to acquire an elixir that will make her forget her relationship with Ky. In the process, Joshua imprisons El’s mother and Mom’s infant son.

Ky and other guardians capture and subdue Joshua, but only after he has given El the potion. Ky eventually gets El to remember him through the lyrics of a song. The group discovers Mom’s long-time friend Dahlia may have answers that will help them destroy the Void’s power. They continue on their mission.

Christian Beliefs

No overt references to Christianity appear in the book, but the Verity and the Void represent good and evil, and characters make significant sacrifices for one another.

Other Belief Systems

There are fairies in this story and a fairy queen.

El talks about Ky saying there is “very real and tangible energy passing between our fingertips.” Ky seems to have the ability to read El’s thoughts.

Callings are abilities that allow people to shape shift, control specific natural elements, heal and create illusions. A Mirror is a person who has all of the Callings at once.

Authority Roles

El’s mother tries to protect El and her new son from Joshua when the Void overtakes him. Rulers of different Reflections work together as they try to vanquish the Void.

Profanity & Violence

Characters frequently use words from their world as curses. They say things like Holy Verity!, I don’t give a Crowe or Grief’s a witch.

Ebony wants to be sure El won’t screw her over. A number of characters are bloodied in attacks. A guardian and a ruler are murdered. Khloe is stabbed to death but resurrected.

Sexual Content

El and Ky kiss several times. El’s friend, Stormy, says her husband forgave her for an indiscretion with a fellow guardian. El notes that Reggie’s ample bosom is bouncing in her too-tight blouse.

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