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On the Radar: The ‘Heatwave Freezer Hack’, ‘Sadfishing’ and Drowsy Driving Teens

Experts Warn the ‘Heatwave Freezer Hack’ Could Backfire

What? Amid scorching summer temps across much of the country, social media influencers are promoting the so-called “heatwave freezer hack,” wherein you freeze your bedding in order to create a cooler night’s sleep.

So What? Sleep expert James Wilson warns that while, yes, this will keep you cooler initially, shocking your body with extreme cold will not help you relax. In fact, “it puts your body into more of a wake-up mode.” Additionally, once the frozen sheets thaw, the extra moisture “will heat up and make you feel hotter.”

Now What? Parents, we constantly tell you to teach your kids to research the latest trends—and the potentially risks involved—before trying them out. And this is a classic example. It’s also a good opportunity to teach your teens to simply think things through. This particular trend’s worst outcome is nothing more than some discomfort. So it might offer a teachable moment to let your teens figure out for themselves why this “hack” isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Don’t Fall for ‘Sadfishing’ Hook, Line and Sinker

What? According to the Journal of American College Health, sadfishing” refers to social media users who “exaggerate their emotional state online to generate sympathy.”

So What? Although sadfishing is sometimes dismissed as “attention seeking,” excessive sadfishing could actually be a cry for help in teens who feel isolated or lack a support system.

Now What? Since most responses to sadfishing are positive and supportive, it can feel good to share online instead. However, unsympathetic responses could lead to increased stress or anxiety instead. Parents are advised not to point out sadfishing posts. Rather, let your teen know that you’re there for them. Offer a space where they can express their feelings without fear of judgment. And reinforce the importance of in-person community.

Drowsy Driving Dangerously Common Among Teens

What? A new study estimates that one in six teenage drivers have driven while drowsy. That accounts for approximately 1.7 million teens total, with 400,000 driving drowsily at least once per week.

So What? Additional findings revealed that while 95% of teens see drowsy driving as extremely or very risky, they don’t see it as something that will lead to death or serious injury when compared to other forms of impaired driving. However, research shows that “sleep deprivation leads to mental impairment that is similar to drunkenness.”

Now What? If your child has a busy school and extracurricular schedule, or if they have a part-time job, they’re more likely to be sleep deprived and engage in drowsy driving. Encourage your teens to get a good night’s sleep, especially if they have several places to go the next day. But also, educate them on the dangers of drowsy driving. And teach them to recognize the signs, such as frequent yawning, droopy eyes or an increase in blinking, drifting into other lanes, missing road signs or the inability to remember the last few miles.

Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.

3 Responses

  1. One point seven million. Goodness. The sooner we have more and better mass-transit options, and more urban planning that deemphasizes the need for a car (especially at a young age), the sooner we can save thousands of lives that otherwise may not even live to see adulthood.

    1. The politics of Jesus Christ transcend any human political party or idea. No political platform or ideology can truly solve humanity’s problems. The deepest issues facing humanity are spiritual in nature and will require spiritual solutions.

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