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The Pink Panther 2

Inspector Jacques Clouseau is back on the job. Well, the rebooted Steve Martin version, anyway. So grab the kids, clear …

The Pink Panther

Can Steve Martin, the king of remakes, do right by the Pink Panther? It’s highly doubtful. Peter Sellers left behind …


The latest hit from this rising alt-R&B hitmaker profanely ponders whether excessive worldly indulgence ultimately satisfies.

Academy Award Flubs and Snubs

Will the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences get it right this year and pick the best picture for …

Dear Star Wars: Happy Birthday! Sincerely, the Future You Created.

When I was just a wee lad wearing bell-bottoms back in 1977, I bounded into a tiny movie theater in …

Oscar Nominations: A Teensy Weensy Bit Better Than Normal?

The Oscar nominations were unveiled this morning. And for the most part, they avoided any big surprises.