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Johnny English Reborn

Rowan Atkinson’s spoofy spy is back for another round of roundhouse kicks to the groin. Is this Mr. Bean in …

Johnny English

This often clever spy spoof was inspired by a popular series of British credit card commercials from the 1990s.

Johnny English Strikes Again

Johnny English is no James Bond. But he’s no great friend to the family, either.

Instructions Not Included

This is a film that hits you from several angles—even as it gets gross and goofy sometimes.

TV Show
Always a Witch

This Spanish-language Netflix original is a problematic brew from the get-go.

TV Show
Dino Girl Gauko

This English-dubbed show is aimed right for kiddos and tweens, and the content is pretty mild.

Alice in Wonderland

Even at 19, Alice hasn’t gotten her feet firmly underneath her. She’s tumbled back down the rabbit hole—and this time …

many saints of newark movie
The Many Saints of Newark

Tony Soprano’s “origin story” simmers with gangster drama and the same brutal content HBO’s hit show was known for.

The Outfit movie
The Outfit

The Outfit is in many ways a finely crafted thriller. But it’s messy all the same.

Halloween Scares Up Another Win

Most of the movies at the multiplex turned on all their lights and hid in their secret basement bunkers this …